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National procedure

National marketing authorisation procedure for medicinal products

Via the national marketing authorisation procedure medicinal products are authorised only in Latvia. By authorising medicinal products through this procedure, the marketing authorisation is valid only in Latvia, therefore, the medicinal product may be distributed only in Latvia.

The State Agency of Medicines (SAM) evaluates the application for marketing authorisation in the national authorisation procedure in accordance with the terms of normative acts – for the majority of applications it is stipulated that marketing authorisation shall be completed within 210 days following positive primary expertise. The marketing authorisation procedure is conducted in accordance with the European Union (EU) legal acts and  Cabinet of Ministers regulations regarding the procedure for marketing authorisation of medicinal products.

However, in order to authorise a medicinal product only in Latvia, the applicant may not always use the national authorisation procedure:

  1. There is a category of medicinal products subjected to the centralised authorisation procedure as stipulated by EU legal acts [Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004], therefore, these medicinal products may not be authorised via the national authorisation procedure.
  2. A medicinal product may not be authorised in a national authorisation procedure if the same applicant has already received a marketing authorisation in another EU/EEA Member State or has already submitted an application for marketing authorisation in another EU/EEA Member State and the application is undergoing evaluation. In such a case, the applicant must use the mutual recognition procedure or decentralised procedure.


Submission of documents for marketing authorisation

  • Application forms and supporting documentation for marketing authorisation of medicinal products must be submitted electronically using Common European Submission Portal (CESP) complying with the European guidelines for preparation and submission of documentation in the eCTD (electronic Common Technical Document) format.
  • The application form is available on eSubmission: EU Electronic Application Forms.
  • Upon submission of documents for marketing authorisation, an advance payment must be made and the following documents must be attached to the marketing authorisation application:
    • Copy of the invoice issued by the State Agency of Medicines (SAM);
    • A payment confirmation or print-out of the payment made via internet bank transfer verified by the credit institution confirming the advance payment;
    • SAM cash register check, if payment was made with a payment card.

See more in the section “Payment procedure”.

  • Parallel to submission of application for marketing authorisation via the national procedure, product information (summary of product characteristics, package leaflet and labelling text) in Latvian and in Word format must be sent to the following SAM e‑mail address:


Payment procedure

For this service advance payment should be made in accordance with the Paid Service Pricelist (Article 1, 2):

Expertise on application and additional documentation for marketing authorisation of one medicinal product (Article 1):

- Application for a new active substance (Article 1.1.) - 4000,00 EUR

- Application for a medicinal product with well-established use (Article 1.2.) - 4000,00 EUR

- Application for marketing authorization of a medicinal product containing an active substance used in an authorized medicinal product, but not in this combination (application for a fixed combination) (Article 1.3.) - 4000,00 EUR

- Application for a biosimilar medicinal product (Article 1.4.) - 4000,00 EUR

- Application for marketing authorisation where the marketing authorisation holder of the original medicinal product has given their approval for the marketing authorisation applicant to use pharmaceutical, non-clinical and clinical documentation included in the marketing authorisation documentation of the original medicinal product with an identical qualitative and quantitative active substance content and pharmaceutical form (Application with approval) (Article 1.5.) - 4000,00 EUR

- Application for a generic medicinal product (Article 1.6.) - 2500,00 EUR

- Mixed marketing authorisation application (Article 1.7.) - 2500,00 EUR

- Application for extension of marketing authorisation in accordance with Annex 1 of the European Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2008 of 24 November 2008 concerning the examination of variations to the terms of marketing authorisations for medicinal products for human use and veterinary medicinal products (hereinafter – Commission Regulation No. 1234/2008) (Article 1.8.) - 1500,00 EUR

- Application for a medicinal product with identical marketing authorisation documentation, but different names and one and the same or different marketing authorisation holder (repeat application, submitted simultaneously) (Article 1.9.) - 1500,00 EUR

- Application for a homeopathic or anthroposophic medicinal product, 1 pharmaceutical form or 1 strength (Article 1.10.) – 560,00 EUR

- Application for a traditional-use herbal medicinal product (for herbal medicinal products to be authorised via the simplified marketing authorisation procedure), 1 pharmaceutical form or 1 strength (Article 1.11.) – 560,00 EUR

Additional fee for each additional medicinal product strength and/or pharmaceutical form, if submitted together with the initial marketing authorisation application (Article 2), except stated in Article 1.10. and stated in Article 1.11.:

- Marketing authorisation (Article 2.1.) - 1000,00 EUR

To receive the prepayment invoice, please send the Payment Application (download here) to e-mail:

Following the submission of application, an invoice for advance payment shall be sent to the e-mail address you indicated. 

Upon making payment, the invoice number and date, as well as name, surname or title of payer must be indicated in the “purpose of payment”.

State Agency of Medicines of Latvia

Jersikas iela 15, Riga, LV-1003, Latvia

VAT reg. No. LV90001836181

The Treasury of the Republic of Latvia
