Project “Pharmaceuticals in wastewaters – levels, impacts and reduction” (LLI-527)
Project aims to increase the efficiency of pharmaceutical substances pollution management and to increase cooperation between governmental institutions and wastewater treatment plant operators.
Target groups:
- Ministries responsible for environment protection and planning;
- Environmental Quality Control Institutions;
- Local public authority and Planning Regions;
- Higher education and research;
- NGO interested in or working on nature protection;
- Wastewater treatment plant operators;
- Pharmacies;
- General public.
Project duration:
February 1, 2021 – December 31, 2022
Project budget:
Total projects size is 673 772.88 EUR
Out of them co-funding of European Regional Development Fund is 572 706.92 EUR
Project Partners:
Lead Partner – Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology Agency of Daugavpils University, www.lhei.lv, in cooperation with 5 partners from Latvia and Lithuania:
Kurzeme Planning Region, www.kurzemesregions.lv
Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, www.videscentrs.lvgmc.lv
University of Klaipeda, www.ku.lt
State Agency of Medicines of Latvia, www.zva.gov.lv
State Medicines Control Agency under the Ministry of Health of Republic of Lithuania, www.vvkt.lt
Project anticipates cooperation between research institutions (Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology Agency of Daugavpils University and Klaipeda University) and national public and regional institutions to increase knowledge to shape policy and specific measures dealing with pharmaceuticals in both countries for example tracking of pharmaceutical substances consumption and detection in the environment. The opinion of environmental protection authorities and supporting organizations from both countries will be considered during regular meetings and consultations when elaborating the criteria and developing the list of pharmaceuticals for monitoring in WWTPs and receiving water bodies in Latvia and Lithuania; developing the priority WWTPs list for the future implementation of advanced treatment technologies as well as developing policy recommendations for the removal of pharmaceuticals from WWTPs.
Expected Project Results.
Development and implementation of water protection policy/strategy oriented recommendations for the removal of pharmaceuticals from WWTPs concern large group of stakeholders in both countries, starting from the general public to NGOs, municipal authorities, operators of the wastewater treatment facilities, environmental authorities and national decision-makers. Strategical recommendations will be targeted to support future prioritization and development of policy measures for the reduction of pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants in the environment. The implementation of developed recommendations will:
1. foster prioritization of adequative measures, such as priority list of WWTPs for future upgrading depending on pharmaceuticals pollution loads and status of receiving water bodies;
2. increase the ability of WWTP operators and national decision makers to take justified decisions when investing into suitable advanced treatment technologies in order to reduce the MPs load on receiving water bodies in the future.
This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Kurzeme Planning Region and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union
Link to the Programme website www.latlit.eu.
Link to the official EU website www.europa.eu.
Information prepared by:
Liena Freimane
Project manager
e-mail: liena.freimane@kurzemesregions.lv
Phone: + 371 26306030
Project name
VISTART (Vigilance and Inspection for the Safety of Transfusion, Assisted Reproduction and Transplantation). The project is co-funded within the EU Health Programme (2014-2020) (EU JOINT ACTION “VISTART” Grant Agreement 676969).
10/10/2015 – 09/10/2018
Leading partner
To promote and facilitate harmonisation of inspection, authorisation and vigilance systems for blood, tissues and cells and to increase inter-MS collaboration and confidence in each other’s inspection and vigilance programmes.
Tasks and activities of the State Agency of Medicines of Latvia
The State Agency of Medicines of Latvia is a collaborative partner (has not an agreement regarding co-funding) and is involved in the following Work-Packages:
WP4 “Vigilance reporting for Blood, Tissues and Cells”
WP6 “Inspection Guidelines for Blood, Tissues and Cells Competent Authorities”
WP7 “Training of Blood, Tissues, Cells inspectors with sharing of expertise across member states”
WP9 “A voluntary programme of inter-inspection system auditing”
WP10 “Implementation of the single European coding system in Tissue establishments”
Additional information about the project is available here.