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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Type IA/IAIN submission checklist for nationally authorized medicinal products (PDF)

Information regarding indication of the date of last review in the product information when implementing variations

1. How to indicate the date of last review in the product information when implementing variations to medicines authorised via national authorisation procedure?

  • Type IA variations – implementation date of Type IA variation should be stated as the last revision date of PI. The MAH is responsible for indicating the correct date in PI;
  • Type IB and Type II variations - the date will be amended by the Agency during the review process of the national PI. This will be the date of alignment of PI within Agency.

More information - available here.


2. How to indicate the date of last review in the product information when implementing variations to medicines authorised via mutual recognition or decentralised procedures?

  • Type IA variations – implementation date of Type IA variation should be stated as the last revision date of PI. The MAH is responsible for indicating the correct date in PI;
  • Type IB variations - RMS approval date should be stated as the last revision date of PI. The date would be amended by the Agency during the review process of the national translation of PI;
  • Type II variations - RMS approval date should be stated as the last revision date of PI. As there is a national phase foreseen, the MAH is responsible for indicating the correct date in PI.

More information - available here.

Questions and answers regarding Article 78 and 81 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 416 of 26 June 2007 “Procedures Regarding the Distribution and Quality Control of Medicinal Products” – information available HERE

The State Agency of Medicines (hereinafter – Agency) has prepared answers to questions frequently asked by marketing authorisation holders regarding Article 78 and 81 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 416 of 26 June 2007 “Procedures Regarding the Distribution and Quality Control of Medicinal Products” (hereinafter – Regulation No. 416).

On 14 December 2021, amendments to the Regulation No. 416 were made whereby, after obtaining approval from organisations of client representatives, the following version of Article 78 (available here) was approved. Taking into account, that clients have questions regarding application of this Article, the Agency has prepared answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Question 1: Which variations to marketing authorisation documentation is Article 78 applicable to?

Answer: The requirements stipulated by Article 78 are applicable to type IB and type II variations to marketing authorisation documentation, as classified according to the European Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2008 of 24 November 2008 concerning the examination of variations to the terms of marketing authorisations for medicinal products for human use and veterinary medicinal products (hereinafter – Regulation 1234/2008) and European Commission Guidelines No. 2013/C 223/01 “Guidelines on the details of the various categories of variations, on the operation of the procedures laid down in Chapters II, IIa, III and IV of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2008 of 24 November 2008 concerning the examination of variations to the terms of marketing authorisations for medicinal products for human use and veterinary medicinal products and on the documentation to be submitted pursuant to those procedures”.

Requirements pursuant to Article 78 are not applicable to:

  • Type IA variations to marketing authorisation documentation as they are so called “do and tell” variations according to Regulation 1234/2008 which the marketing authorisation holder introduces first and only then notifies the competent authority;
  • Change of marketing authorization holder (hereinafter – MAH). Change of MAH is not subjected to the requirements of Regulation 1234/2008. Requirements for change of MAH are stipulated by Article 82 of the Cabinet of Ministers regulation No. 376 of 9 May 2006 “Procedures for the Registration of Medicinal Products”. Upon submission of application for change of MAH, the date when the person applying for the issuance of a marketing authorisation takes over the responsibilities of the previous marketing authorisation holder must be indicated. After MAH change approval, information on product information about manufacturing of the medicinal product should start in next 6 months or with next manufacturing of the product series, in case manufacturing is not planned in 6 months after MAH change approval.

Question 2: In the application form for type IB or type II variations it is indicated that the submitted variations to marketing authorisation documentation shall be implemented within 6 months after approval of variations. May the medicinal products be manufactured and their series be released during this time period (i.e., 6 months after approval of variations) according to the previously approved marketing authorisation documentation?

Answer: During the time period from approval of variations until the implementation of variations indicated in the application form medicines may be manufactured* and their series may be released pursuant to the previously approved marketing authorisation documentation, except situations described in Subparagraphs 78.1 and 78.2 of Regulation No. 416.

Example 1. For type IB variations, to extend the storage time of a medicinal product from 2 to 3 years, the date of variation implementation is indicated in the application form as “within 6 months from variation approval”, e.g., until 15.12.2024. Situations described in Subparagraphs 78.1 and 78.2 are not applicable to this example. The medicinal product with the previously approved marketing authorization documentation, i.e., storage time (2 years), may be manufactured and their series may be released until 14.12.2024.

Example 2. For type IB variations, to decrease storage time from 3 to 2 years due to quality deficiencies (defects) identified, the variations implementation date in the application form is indicated “within 6 months from variation approval”, e.g., it would be until 15.12.2024. Together with the approval of variations, a deadline has been set for distribution of remaining stock of medicinal product. The medicinal product with the previously approved marketing authorisation documentation, i.e., storage time (3 years), may not be manufactured due to the situation described in subparagraph 78.2. Variations with respect to the decreased storage time (i.e., 2 years) must be implemented with the next manufacturing run. Medicinal product series manufactured prior to variation approval may be released, but the deadline for distribution of remaining stock of medicinal product must be followed.

* Explanation regarding the start date for manufacturing of medicinal product series is provided in the guideline CPMP/QWP/072/96 NfG on start of shelf-life of the finished dosage form.

Question 3: A company has submitted an application for grouped type IA & IB variations** to the Agency on 02.05.2024. (e.g., type IA variations regarding change of address of marketing authorization holder and type IB variations regarding updating of product information according to standard (QRD) form approved in the European Union member states). The company has indicated 02.04.2024. as the date of implementation of type IA variations and 30.11.2024. – for type IB variations. When must the company implement the updated product information (changed marketing authorisation holder address and product information updated according to the standard QRD form) in manufacturing?

Answer: As the application has been submitted for grouped type IA and IB variations, then this variation group is considered as a type IB variation. Therefore, the updated product information must be implemented starting from 30.11.2024.

** Examples of grouping of type IA and IB variations in a single application are provided in the CMDh (Co-ordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised procedures - Human) document Examples for acceptable and not acceptable groupings for MRP/DCP products.

Question 4: In which cases a deadline is set for distribution of remaining stock of medicinal products?

Answer: A deadline for distribution of remaining stock of medicinal products is set in cases where the quality, safety and/or effectiveness of medicinal products may be affected. Most frequent examples:

  • Decrease of medicinal product storage time and/or narrowing of medicinal product storage conditions (more stringent conditions for medicinal product storage) due to quality concerns (e.g., medicinal product stability, identified impurities, quality defects);
  • Substantial changes in drug formulation (contents) and/or resulting substantial changes in medicinal product manufacturing process;
  • Change of medicinal product prescription status from non-prescription to prescription medicinal products.

Question 5: In which cases distribution of remaining stock of medicinal product is not permitted?

Answer: Distribution of remaining stock of medicinal product is not permitted, if the variation approval entails approval of substantial limitations related to the safe use of medicinal product and they affect the package leaflet. For example:

  • Annulment of approved indications;
  • Substantial changes in medicinal product dosing;
  • Addition of new contraindications;
  • Medicinal product use is limited in a particular patient group (in children, pregnant women, special patient groups).

Distribution of remaining stock of medicinal products is also not permitted in cases when urgent limitations related to medicinal product safety, safeguarding of public health are necessary.


On 17 march 2020, amendments to the Regulation No. 416 were adopted, whereby, after obtaining approval from organisations of client representatives, the following version of Article 81 (available here) was approved. Considering that clients have questions regarding application of this article, the Agency has prepared answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Question 1: In which cases the Agency extends distribution of remaining stock of medicinal products, if the medicinal product has been withdrawn or the permit for parallel import of medicinal product has been annulled following request from marketing authorisation holder or parallel importer due to reasons unrelated to safety, quality and effectiveness of medicinal product?

Answer: Considering that the Agency has set a deadline for distribution of remaining stock of a medicinal product in its decision regarding annulment of marketing authorisation and withdrawal of the aforementioned medicines from the Medicinal Product Register of Latvia or suspension or annulment of permit for distribution of parallel imported medicines in accordance with the requirements of Article 81 and 81.1, as well as the fact that normative acts do not stipulate an option to distribute remaining stock of medicinal products for more than 6 months after withdrawal of medicines from the Medicinal Product Register of Latvia or annulment of permit for distribution of parallel imported medicines, the Agency has no legal justification to extend the deadline for distribution of remaining stock of medicines.


According to Regulation 1234/2008, the applicant must indicate implementation date of variations in the application form for variations to marketing authorisation documentation. Correct and appropriate indication of implementation date of variations and following this date is the responsibility of the applicant. Over time, the Agency has noted that applicants indicate information regarding implementation of variations in various ways. Therefore, below are several Agency’s recommendations regarding correct indication of implementation date of variations.


1. How to correctly complete the application form for type IB and type II variations, indicating information regarding implementation time of variations?

In the section “Declaration of the Applicant” of the variation application form, one of the 3 fields “Change(s) will be implemented from” must be completed:

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  • If variations are implemented with the next manufacturing run, then the “Next production run/next printing” box must be checked:

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  • If the variations are implemented from a specific date, e.g., from 31 May 2022, then the box “Date” must be checked and a specific date must be indicated:

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  • If the variations are implemented within a certain time period after approval, e.g., 6 months after approval of variations, then that must be indicated in the third line:

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2. “Good” and “bad” examples of indicating implementation time of type IB and type II variations in the application form?

Approved variations must be implemented in the product information as soon as possible in order to ensure medicinal product manufacturing according to the approved documentation.

“Good” examples:

  • Specific time period (e.g., 3 months) from approval of variations;
  • With the next production run;
  • Specific date that does not exceed 6 months from approval of variations;
  • Specific date that does not exceed 12 months from approval of variations for quality related variations.

 “Bad” examples:

  • When the last Baltic state approves these variations to marketing authorisation documentation;
  • More than 6 months after approval of variations;
  • After approval;
  • All fields left empty regarding implementation of variations;
  • 2 fields regarding implementation of variations are completed at the same time.


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3. Does the Agency approve the implementation date of variations indicated by the company in the variation application form?

No, the Agency does not approve the variation implementation date indicated by the company in the application form. Correct and appropriate indication of variation implementation date and following this date is the responsibility of the company.

However, the Agency emphasizes that, in accordance with Article 24 of Regulation No. 1234/2008, urgent safety restrictions and variations which are related to safety issues shall be implemented within a time frame agreed by the holder and the Agency which is usually the variation implementation date indicated in the variation application form, if the Agency has not objected to it during validation/evaluation of variations. Please see also information regarding “good” and “bad” examples of indicating the variation implementation date.