Medicinal product name Methotrexat-Ebewe 5 mg tablets
Pharmaceutical form Tablet
Strength 5 mg 
Information from the MAH on shortages Not available
predicted availability date: not notified
Legal status Rx Prescription (Pr.)
KZS NHS Reimbursed medicines
Package leafletPDF 10-11-2023 (Nov 10, 2023)
Risk minimisation measuresIzglītojošie materiāli ārstam Izglītojošie materiāli ārstam
Izglītojošie materiāli farmaceitam Izglītojošie materiāli farmaceitam
Izglītojošie materiāli pacientam Izglītojošie materiāli pacientam
ATC code L01BA01 Antineoplastic agents
Information for Marketing authorisation holdersView

Medicinal products (1)

Availability of medicinal product Wholesalers Package size, content Primary packaging Maximum admissible pharmacy price (€ incl. VAT) Product No. Labelling
 Not available (according to the information provided by wholesalers)
predicted availability date: not notified
currently no information on availability from any wholesaler N50
(5 mg)
Polypropylene 15.74 
I000900-01 Outer Outer Jul 27, 2021
Outer Outer Aug 28, 2020
Inner Inner Aug 28, 2020
Inner Inner Aug 23, 2019
* Indication about medicine on the List of state reimbursed medicines is just informative. Source of the information is the National Health Service. For details please visit the NHS website.

Registration information

Authorisations for distribution of parallel imported medicines no. I000900
Authorisation for distribution of parallel imported medicines issued Jan 30, 2018
Authorisation for distribution of parallel imported medicines valid till For unlimited time
Marketing authorisation holder, country Ebewe Pharma Ges.m.b.H Nfg.KG, Austria
Parallel importer, country Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību “MAGNUM MEDICAL”, Latvia
Country of medicines exporter Poland