Medicinal product name PecFent
Pharmaceutical form Nasal spray, solution
Strength 400 μg/spary 
Information from the MAH on shortages Not notified
Legal status Rx Prescription (Pr.I)
Summary of product characteristics, package leaflet and labeling text  Summary of product characteristics, patient information leaflet and labeling text approved by the European Medicines Agency is available on European Medicines Agency website
ATC code N02AB03 Analgesics

Important notice

Additional information regarding the use for persons aged 75+

If used as "ANALGESICS"
FentanylumDAvoid use in older adults. Sedative. Serotonergic. Start pain management with an orally administered opiod. Low transdermal efficacy in cachectic patients. Nasal spray should be used only for breakthrough pain of cancer. Increases the risk of confusion and falling. Start a laxative to prevent constipation. Consider potential significant interactions.

Medicinal products (1)

Availability of medicinal product Wholesalers Package size, content Primary packaging Maximum admissible pharmacy price (€ incl. VAT) Product No. Labelling
 Not available (according to the information provided by wholesalers) currently no information on availability from any wholesaler N4
(1,55 ml)
Glass bottle    EU/1/10/644/004  Summary of product characteristics, patient information leaflet and labeling text approved by the European Medicines Agency is available on European Medicines Agency website

Registration information

Marketing authorisation No. EU/1/10/644/004
Date of authorisation Aug 31, 2010
Marketing authorisation holder, country Kyowa Kirin Holdings B.V., Netherlands