Medicinal product name TachoSil
Pharmaceutical form Sealant matrix
Information from the MAH on shortages No information on expected shortages
Legal status Rx Prescription (Pr.)
Summary of product characteristics, package leaflet and labeling text  Summary of product characteristics, patient information leaflet and labeling text approved by the European Medicines Agency is available on European Medicines Agency website
ATC code B02BC30 Antihemorrhagics

Medicinal products (1)

Availability of medicinal product Wholesalers Package size, content Primary packaging Maximum admissible pharmacy price (€ incl. VAT) Product No. Labelling
 Not available (according to the information provided by wholesalers) currently no information on availability from any wholesaler N1
(1 UD)
PET-GAG/PE blister 344.00  EU/1/04/277/005  Summary of product characteristics, patient information leaflet and labeling text approved by the European Medicines Agency is available on European Medicines Agency website

Registration information

Marketing authorisation No. EU/1/04/277/005
Date of authorisation Jun 8, 2004
Marketing authorisation holder, country Corza Medical GmbH, Germany