Luffa operculata, Galphimia glauca, Histaminum, Sulfur

Medicinal product name Luffa comp.-Heel nasal spray, solution
Pharmaceutical form Nasal spray, solution
Information from the MAH on shortages No information on expected shortages
Legal status OTC OTC
Package leafletMS Word document 03-07-2014
Summary of product characteristicsMS Word document 03-07-2014
ATC code V03AX All other therapeutic products

Medicinal products (1)

Availability of medicinal product Wholesalers Package size, content Primary packaging Maximum admissible pharmacy price (€ incl. VAT) Product No. Labelling
 Not available (according to the information provided by wholesalers) currently no information on availability from any wholesaler N1
(20 ml)
Bottle 8.81  01-0234-01 Labelling text Labelling text Jul 3, 2014

Registration information

Marketing authorisation No. 01-0234
Date of authorisation Jun 6, 2001
Marketing authorisation holder, country Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Germany