Bryonia dioica, Hyoscyamus niger, Lobelia inflata, Cephaelis ipecacuanha, Kreosotum, Kalium stibyltartaricum, Lobaria pulmonaria, Atropa belladonna

Medicinal product name Bronchalis-Heel tablets
Pharmaceutical form Tablet
Information from the MAH on shortages No information on expected shortages
Availability of medicinal product
Product No.Package sizeWholesalers' stock state
00-0102-01N50 Is available
Legal status OTC OTC
Package leafletMS Word document 16-06-2016
Summary of product characteristicsMS Word document 16-06-2016
ATC code V03AX All other therapeutic products

Medicinal products (1)

Availability of medicinal product Wholesalers Package size, content Primary packaging Maximum admissible pharmacy price (€ incl. VAT) Product No. Labelling
 Is available (according to the information provided by wholesalers)
(321 containers)
Tamro, Magnum Medical, Recipe Plus, Euroaptieka, Jelgavfarm, Oribalt Rīga, Elpis, Medelens+ N50
(1 UD)
Polypropylene 6.46  00-0102-01 Labelling text Labelling text Jun 16, 2016

Registration information

Marketing authorisation No. 00-0102
Date of authorisation Feb 16, 2000
Marketing authorisation holder, country Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Germany